GUEST POST: Songbirds | The Melody of Heaven

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GUEST POST Written By Clara Fama

Everyone has those moments. You know the ones where you feel overwhelmed with all that’s going on in life? Too many things requiring your time and not enough hours in the day to do it all. Well, I was feeling these stresses recently, and it all snowballed one evening last week into an overwhelming feeling of defeat.

The kids were in bed, my husband was out, and there I was doing some tidying around the house, finding myself consumed in this overwhelming vortex of emotions.

I washed up and got ready for bed. As my head hit the pillow, I took a deep breath to relax. Ok, it was more of a huge sigh. I began talking to God and asking him for peace and the strength needed for the following day. I also thanked Him for His goodness in my life. No matter what goes on in my life, I take comfort in thanking God for his continual kindness and blessings in my life. There are many.

The next morning, my alarm woke me at 5AM and I went about my usual morning routine. When I came downstairs, I went into the kitchen to fill the kettle as I do each morning before my prayer time. I could hear the birds singing and chirping outside.

Something was different this particular morning.

I felt this overwhelming feeling to go to the window and listen to the birds. So, I walked up to the bay window and stood there for a moment just listening to them sing their hearts out. It was beautiful. I took it a step further and opened up the window. I stood there for a while with my eyes closed just soaking it all in.

As I breathed in the cool morning air and the sound of the birds filled my ears, I felt such a peace and love wash over me. I heard God’s gentle voice telling me, “Today is a new day. My mercies are new every morning. I am with you.” It was an amazing moment. To be honest, I probably could have stood there all day. What a way to set up my time with Him that morning.

I was reminded of Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?

He loves me – YOU – and cares about each and every detail of our lives. I love that no matter what comes my way, God is always there with open arms to give us just what we need, at the most perfect time.

Clara Fama

Clara Fama

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