“I have NOTHING to wear!”

If you’ve ever stood in front of your closet {full of clothes} and had that frustrating feeling of having nothing to wear, then you are in good company my friend. Countless women have shared the same experience, and have felt the same annoyance at the lack of outfit options.

Part of the problem we all face with our wardrobe is that we haven’t defined clearly enough our own personal style. This leads to a few key “mistakes” we make when shopping:

  • Impulse purchases
  • Buying items that are the wrong size
  • Buying something simply because it’s on sale
  • Buying clothes just because they fit
  • Buying an item that looks good on you (but actually doesn’t really feel like you)

Then when faced with the choice of what to wear in the morning, we feel like there are no options. Options definitely are not the problem; having a closet full of the wrong clothes leads to the frustration.

The 40 Hanger Closet has changed how I look at clothes and fashion. It helped me hone in on what I love and feel confident in and forget the rest. I am able to look at my closet and see so many outfit options…outfits I rock! I’m a forever believer. Thanks Marisa ❤️❤️

– Sarah P.

This is such a beautiful and helpful book. Full of great tips and advice on how to simplify your wardrobe and love what’s in your closet. You will love this book.

– Linda A.

The 40 hanger closet is a carefully curated collection of versatile clothing pieces that you love, and feel great wearing.

What’s Inside The 40 Hanger Closet?

This workbook is designed to get you thinking about your current wardrobe differently than you might at present, answer thought-provoking questions that reveal what your drawn to when it comes to fashion, and discover more about your own personal sense of style.

The Wardrobe Edit

Tips and tools to help you edit your current wardrobe. This process is the foundation of the 40 Hanger Closet. Throughout the Edit process, you’ll discover more about your own personal sense of style – items you already own that you gravitate towards and always feel great wearing will provide you with the necessary insight to developing your unique sense of style.

Your Personal Style

In this section of the workbook, you’ll learn about three components of every wardrobe – Basics, Trends and Statement Pieces – and will discover how your clothes fit into different categories, allowing you to dive even deeper in refining your own personal style. Fashion is personal, so you’ll put your clothes into the categories that you choose. This provides the framework for your own 40 Hanger Closet.

The Style Assignment

Armed with your newly discovered knowledge about your personal style, you can choose to go even deeper, learning even more about your fashion likes and dislikes by doing The Style Assignment. This 7 day experiment will show you how to build a capsule wardrobe you feel great wearing, by using your favourite, versatile pieces.

The Fashion Formula

Find your unique Fashion Formula, identifying what percentage of your ideal wardrobe is made up of Basics, what percentage is Trends and what percentage are Statement Pieces.

The Carefully Curated Closet

The final section of the guide provides the space for you to thoughtfully think about the future additions you’d like to make to your wardrobe so that your future purchases are intentional and are contributing to your own sense of style. No more regretful impulse purchases!

Purchase a copy The 40 Hanger Closet Workbook and never say, “I have nothing to wear!” ever again.

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