Tag: Love Stories

  • Italy Capsule

    Italy Capsule

    Making the move from Malaysia to Italy meant making a move to a colder climate. We were living in 28C-32C degree weather for three months and then relocated to Tuscany where the temps range from 6C-15C. Don’t get me wrong, 6 degrees is still MUCH better than the below freezing temps I’m used to enduring…

  • Spring Capsule Wardrobe

    Spring Capsule Wardrobe

    Over on Instagram we’ve been chatting about intentionally building a wardrobe – not just copying what others are doing or what is “in style”, but learning about what style you love, and curating a wardrobe around that. Imagine a closet filled with clothes that you love, and look & feel great in? That’s the goal.…

  • Fall Capsule Wardrobe

    Fall Capsule Wardrobe

    Over on Instagram we’ve been doing a LOT of chatting about the 40 Hanger Closet. (If you want to be a part of the conversation shoot me a DM and I’ll add you to my Close Friends list!) One of the pieces of feedback I’ve heard repeatedly is that a smaller wardrobe sounds challenging because…

  • Perfect Love vs. Fear… One Has To Go!

    Written by Char Groen Have you ever been so gripped by fear that it had a dramatic impact on your life? It seemingly came into my life at a young age and took up residence. It became an automatic response to new situations, and new challenges. I was controlled by fear for decades. Fear manifested…

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