One Question you MUST Ask Yourself Today

Marisa Anderson Avatar

This week, as I’ve been reading the book of Daniel in the Bible, I’ve been drawn into the personality and characteristics of King Nebuchadnezzar. His emotionalism and anger issues would most definitely land him in some sort of therapy in this day and age.

In Daniel chapter 3 we read about his “furious rage” and how the expression on his face changed upon hearing upsetting news, almost like he wore his heart on his sleeve and knew nothing of discretion. We also learn how he made hasty and unwise decisions, resulting in the death of some of the men who worked for him. I have to laugh out loud when I read how he orders that people are to be torn “limb from limb” if they don’t worship the one true God. Way to motivate authenticity there Neb.

What I want to focus on today, however is a verse in Daniel 4.

I, Nebuchadnezzar, was at ease in my house and prospering in my palace… (Daniel 4:4)

Ask yourself this, “Am I at ease in my house?” 

In other words, am I going through life safely inside of my comfort zone or am I pushing myself beyond where I am today in order to pursue the heart and character of God?

You cannot fulfill the purpose of God from inside of your comfort zone. King Nebuchadnezzar didn’t. We can’t either. Pursuing the heart and character of God means changing ways of thinking, talking, and being. It means He must increase and we must decrease, and that’s never a simple task.

So ask yourself, “Am I at ease in my house?” and allow the Holy Spirit to show you something you can do today to step out of your comfort zone to more fully pursue Him.

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